Daniele Maria Giani

Free Matter
Pewter Explosions by Daniele Giani
Giani's works are the result of a natural process, partially controlled by the artist's hand. Pewter explosions express all the beauty of nature. The nature that acts guided by the logic of mathematical proportions. Giani, rather than supporting this process, is part of it, he identifies with it. The rapid and precise gestures, which direct the spatial formation of the new material, recall the movement of the conductor's baton, his singular fluctuating.
Just as he manages to modulate the notes coming out of the pipes of the organs he created by him, so Giani dictates the times, spaces and intervals generated by the material explosion of the meeting of the elements.
In the orchestra, the musicians are the materials that generate new ways of being oneself; Director Giani is overwhelmed, involved and assimilated.
In his works it is the matter that transforms itself and recreates itself under new guises, is composed and renewed, giving a show. We astonished spectators are only asked the question: "who is its creator?"
Here, suddenly we can guess! All the tradition and charm of molybdomancy.
In all its forms, especially the ancestral ones, this mystical practice foresees the future as it follows natural laws, knows how to interpret them and draws conclusions from them. In this interpretative perspective, beauty plays a fundamental role. Natural beauty, wild and elegant, precise and composed, always surprising.
Admiring Giani's works we may not be able to predict the future, but we will certainly be seduced by the strength and beauty of nature.




in collaboration with morandi tappeti